Predisposing factors that lead to obstructive sleep apnoea in DS

Predisposing factors that lead to obstructive sleep apnoea in DS include the characteristic mid-face hypoplasia, tongue enlargement and

mandibular hypoplasia. This small upper airway, combined with relatively large tonsils and adenoids, contributes to airway obstruction and increases susceptibility to infections. Upper airway obstruction due to adenoids and tonsillar hypertrophy was reported in 30 (6%) of 518 DS children seen consecutively [72]. Those with severe Protein Tyrosine Kinase inhibitor obstructive symptoms, e.g. snoring, were found to be more likely to have tracheobronchomalacia, laryngomalacia, macroglossia and congenital tracheal stenosis. Five patients required tracheostomy because of persistent obstruction. Gastro-oesophageal reflux may result in aspiration of gastric contents into airway causing lung inflammation or a reflex mechanism of the lower oesophagus triggering bronchospasm [73]. It is recommended to rule out gastro-oesophageal reflux in children presenting with recurrent lung disease without other explanation. Recurrent aspiration of thin fluids is well known to be

associated with increased incidence of lower respiratory tract infections [74,75]. The hypotonia associated with DS includes poor pharyngeal muscle tone that increases the risk for aspiration [76]. Subclinical aspiration may account for up to 12% of cases of chronic respiratory complaints in non-DS children, and Acalabrutinib up to 42% in DS children [77,78]. Zarate and collaborators [79] studied oesophagograms of 58 DS subjects and 38 healthy controls, finding 15 of the DS participants with higher tracer retention than the upper limit of the controls’ retention. Five were reported definitely abnormal, with achalasia

documented in two subjects. Eight had frequent vomiting/regurgitation. DS children would benefit from evaluation of swallowing function [80]. Up to 40–50% of DS newborns may have external ear canal stenosis [81,82] and the Eustachian tube may also be of small width, contributing to the collection SPTBN5 of middle ear fluid and chronic otitis media [83]. Otitis media may explain the high incidence of hearing loss and the delayed development of language reported in DS [84]. Early health supervision and advances in medical care have lengthened the life expectancy of children with DS. Frequent respiratory tract infections is considered a significant component of the morbidity of DS children; however, few studies help to define the current epidemiology of infections in the DS population. It appears that the incidence of respiratory infections has declined in the last decade, due most probably to the progress in the management of infections and the awareness of the medical problems that are common to DS patients.

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